Arrangements for our May Meeting are: 7pm Meet at Janette Kelly’s garden, Millstream Cottage, West End Wolsingham. 7-8pm Garden Visit, with Pimms and Canapes 8pm Make way to Black Lion, Medhope Street, Wolsingham for Curry Night. If you have not already booked...

Tuesday 16th April

Our demonstrator is Ann Simpson from York, who will be showing us designs using seasonal flowers.  Ann has been a NAFAS demonstrator for many years, and is an entertaining speaker. All her flowers will be raffled at the end of the demonstration. We will also be taking...


We’re looking forward to our first meeting of 2024, which is a dem and talk by florist LiSA CORBETT.  Lisa specialises in providing flowers for weddings. The meeting is on Tuesday 20th February at 7 pm and in our new venue, ST ANNES CENTRE, WEST END,...


If you have booked a place at Raby Castle in December, we will need payment at the November meeting please.  This is £27.50. If you have any special dietary requirements please let Barbara or Susan know at the next meeting so we can confirm our order.   ...


We are back at the Chapel for our October meeting with a talk and slides by Sarah Hopps from Thirsk.  Sarah is a very entertaining and informative speaker, and she will also bring plants for sale. There is also our PRESERVES STALL – JAMS, CHUTNEYS, AND JELLIES,...