- NAME The Club shall be known as Weardale Flower and Garden Club, thereafter referred to as the Club.
- The Club will be affiliated to the Royal Horticulticultural Society (RHS).
- AIM To advance the art of flower display, gardening and related skills/crafts through demonstrations, visits, speakers, outings, competitions and practical events, and to support other worthwhile causes.
- OBJECTIVES The Club will perform the following functions:
⦁ Develop and promote an annual programme of events for members.
⦁ Encourage the educational, cultural and charitable aspects of flower display and gardening by promoting links with local relevant organisations locally and nationally.
⦁ Support festivals, exhibitions, competitions and events, both as Club events and in partnership with other organisations.
⦁ Highlight opportunities for training in gardening skills and related crafts through RHS and other relevant organisations.
⦁ Promote sustainability.
⦁ Make available The Garden magazine to members, and promote RHS opportunities for study and development.
⦁ Support charities and good causes wherever possible.
- MEMBERSHIP There will be a maximum membership according to accommodation needs. Anyone wishing to join the club after the maximum membership has been achieved, will be invited to join a membership waiting list. Personal details provided by members, eg address, email, etc., will be used for Club business only and not passed to any third party.
There will be an annual membership fee (reveiewed and set by the Committee on an annual basis). New members will be able to pay part fees if they join mid year. Visitors will be welcomed and pay a one off entrance fee (deducted from their subscription should they subsequently join). Visitors can attend two meeetings per year. Children under 16 years of age will not be charged.
- PRESENTERS’ FEES These will be agreed by the Committee when compiling the annual programme. The annual programme will be printed and distributed free of charge to members at the beginning of the calendar year.
- MANAGEMENT The Club will be managed by a Committee, whose membership will be agreed on an annual basis by the members. The Committee will elect persons to undertake the following functions:
Chairing of meetings
Secretarial functions, including programme
Finance and audit, including bids for funding
Publicity and Photography
Outings and events
Raffles and fund raising
Refreshments and vote of thanks
Minimum Committee membership will be 12. Officers will be in post for a maximum of three years. Additional appointments can be made as required.
- MEETINGS The Club will aim to have at least 10 meetings per year, with one being designated an AGM. The Committee will meet a minimum of four times per year. Decisions will be taken on a simple majority of votes cast, and the Chair will have the casting vote. The Quorum will be one third of Committee membership. Minutes of all meetings will be distributed to the Committee and made available to members.
- The Committee will be responsible for ensuring as far as is possible adherence to health and safety, insurance and hygiene regulations.
- The Committee will be responsible for ensuring financial health of the Club, and report any arising issues to members as early as possible. Members will be kept abreast of the financial position of the Club. The Club will have a designated bank account. The Treasurer will present an annual statement of accounts, which will be externally audited, and presented to members as part of the AGM. Bank payments will be originated by the Treasurer and authorised by another Committee member. No major expenditure shall be incurred by individuals or Committee on behalf of the Club without prior approval. The Treasurer will be responsible for payment of affiliation and insurance fees.
- PRESIDENT There will be an elected President/Joint Presidents.
- The Constitution will be agreed by the Committee and reviewed as and when necessary.
- DISSOLUTION Should the Club cease to operate at any point any residual funds, and property, will be donated to another relevant club or local organisation/s.
- EQUALITY AND DIVERSITY Membership of the Club is open to all interested parties irrespective of race, gender, disability, religion or belief, sexual orientation and age. The Club will strive to promote equality and diversity and remove discrimination, treating all individuals fairly and equally.
SIGNED ……………………………………………………………….. DATE …………………………………………